00000 Cherish the Moments
Friday, December 01, 2006
Well, winter is on it's way to the Northeast...it's been unusually mild so far, but December 1st is here and a lovely storm is brewing. By this evening things will get nasty. But that's ok, I'm hibernating at home today, comfy cozy inside, working, playing, watching Caillou and Rudolph over and over again and reading The Big Red Barn for the 100th time...

I've been reflecting on the past year. I have been home now, a stay at home mom, work at home mom, for 1 year. I came home from the hospital after having BabyBeep soon to be Toddler Beep on this day last year and nothing has been the same since. LOL It's been an interesting year, very different from working outside the home, but great. I can't believe it's been a year though, it went by so fast, it does not seem possible.

And thinking about the year ahead. Kids are growing, so much more starting to go on in their lives. Little Man will probably start some sports in the New Year, we're thinking soccer and swimming lessons. He's in pre-school now. He's going to have a more active social life than I do. I have plans for the business side as well, working on new products/services and a small re-vamp of the website to feature these new products.

I guess at this time of year we all start thinking about the past year and what coming in the new year. I'm not one for New Year's resolutions although I made one last year and managed to fulfill it so who knows. This coming year I think my goal will be to take better care of myself with a little help from the Hot Mama Makeover. This free guide is great for ideas on little things moms can do to stay in style and make themselves feel better. It's so easy to fall into a rut, especially when you are home all day with kids and no adults to chat with. So my goal for 2007 on the personal side is to keep the Hot Mama Makeover handy and take the advise to task.

Tis the Season!

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